
Strawberry Choclatier... my Life my Story

bY : Syazwani Mohidin

LifE is fUll wIth sWeEt & sOur mOmeNt oR eVen aN idiOtiC mOmeNtO. wElL, wE nEeD cOlOurfUl oF eXpERiEncEs iN oUr LifE. dOn’T LeT yOur LifE dUlL.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

by Syazwani Mohidin on Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 4:42pm

This is a piece that i wrote before i create this blog. I used to wrote on Facebook Notes. Here some i like to share with my friends here.

[more will appear after this]

i'm not good enough for him...

i'm not good enough for him...

that is what i thought of us...
so idiotic and melancholic....

sometimes what he said is hurting me.

sometimes what he said is the truth.
and that sometimes make me hate him
 more and more.
but in the same time love still in the air.

why love still there???
why we always end up with the wrong
why we never realize it earlier?


too much why...

everything that happened have the
 he told me that, he taught me that...
but sometimes, we could not figure
out what exactly the reason why.

life is not a fairytale, life is
 never perfect.

i am not a perfect person.
you, yourself not a perfect person.

but why we always demand perfections
in every person, in every aspect?

perfection is what we labeled by our
 own self. 
there is no specific guideline to it.

our own eyes see it perfect, our own heart feel it perfect and our own mind impulse it perfect.

but still i'm not good enough for him.

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