
Strawberry Choclatier... my Life my Story

bY : Syazwani Mohidin

LifE is fUll wIth sWeEt & sOur mOmeNt oR eVen aN idiOtiC mOmeNtO. wElL, wE nEeD cOlOurfUl oF eXpERiEncEs iN oUr LifE. dOn’T LeT yOur LifE dUlL.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2013 : Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!! it has been awhile, and this is my 1st entry for 2013.
Well, new year seem NEW to me. Hahaha....

Alhamdulillah last December - Dec 2012 seem to be the best December ever! Beside my age has add another year. But the memories lies there is sweet. :)

Start with my one and only Snowtrooper. All great things happens there. And, I met someone. Someone that really steal my heart away. Really hope this time thing will go smoothly. Insya Allah.

Seem my age has turn 25. I have 5 more years before i reached 3 series. Within that, there is a lot of thing i want to achieve. One - mission has accomplish. Next is upcoming... Insya Allah everything will goes well. Start to re-planning what that have been pending.

Let the year 2013 surprise all. Can't wait to feel what will happen this year. Hardworking, doa & tawakal is needed. Hope for the best for this year. Insya Allah.

 To my dearest, thank you. The video is for u!
