
Strawberry Choclatier... my Life my Story

bY : Syazwani Mohidin

LifE is fUll wIth sWeEt & sOur mOmeNt oR eVen aN idiOtiC mOmeNtO. wElL, wE nEeD cOlOurfUl oF eXpERiEncEs iN oUr LifE. dOn’T LeT yOur LifE dUlL.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

BubUr LaMbUk fEaSt !!!!!

A signature dish during Ramadhan : BUBUR LAMBUK (porridge). It famous & tasty!!!

Today (17th august 2010) UNIMAS is giving away BUBUR LAMBUK to all students and staffs for FREE. You will need to bring your own Tupperware (food container lah...). Well this festive like occasion is held by Kolej-kolej Kediaman UNIMAS (Cempaka,Bunga Raya, Sakura, Kenanga, TAZ, Alamanda). The main theme we can gather from this event : KERJASAMA & PERPADUAN UKHUWAH. Because, not only Muslims who involve in, but also those non-Muslims were involve. May ALLAH bless you all... Insya Allah....
oRanG dApuR
sEMpat LagI

MenunGgu uNtUk mEngAmbIL bUbUr LAmbUk


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